Interview Preparation: 5 tips for preparing for your job interview

Thursday, August 31, 2023
New Job Today is a great way to find and apply for job vacancies that appeal to you. When you have found the right jobs to apply for, you'll hopefully be offered an interview. When that happens, here's our guide to the top tips in preparing for interview.
  • Bring proof of your right to work in the UK.  Employers have a legal requirement to check this so it's good practice to bring your passport or other similar identification. 
  • Copies of your CV and cover letter. This is essential, as the interviewer will want to have a copy of your qualifications and experience on hand. It makes sense to bring a couple of spare copies.
  • A list of references. The interviewer may ask you for the names and contact information of your references, so it's a good idea to bring a list with you.
  • Knowledge about the company. Do some research on the company before the interview so you can ask intelligent questions and show that you are interested in the position.  It makes sense to have these notes with you to look at while waiting for your interview to start. 
  • Questions for the interviewer. It's always a good idea to have a few questions prepared for the interviewer. This shows that you are interested in the job and have thought about the company.  It's okay to have these written down and with you in the interview.
Remember, the key thing that your future employer wants to see is your enthusiasm and suitability for the job.
We wish you success in finding your next job.